
Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Lightning Strike Destroys Y.S. Smith Home, Aug. 16, 1922

Fire Destroys Y.S. Smith’s Home. . . Struck by Lightning Last Night While Family Was at Church—Loss Is Heavy With No Insurance

During last night’s electrical storm lightning set fire to the home of Mr. Y.S. Smith, 8 miles south of Darbury at Palmyra church, and the building and all its contents were lost. The fire occurred between 8 and 9 o’clock while the entire family were away at church, and even the clothing of the members of the family was destroyed. Mr. Smith did not carry any insurance on the house. The building was a large frame structure with 7 or 8 rooms, and the loss is estimated at several thousand dollars. In addition, he had in the house several thousand dollars in stocks and bonds, which were all burned.

From the front page of The Danbury Reporter, Aug. 16, 1922

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