
Sunday, August 14, 2022

Two Auto Accidents Have Occurred; Man Believed to be Charlie Tillman Killed in One, and Miss Dorothy Oneal Injured in Another, Aug. 14, 1922

Negro Killed in an Auto Accident on Greensboro Highway This Morning

A negro, said to be Charlie Tillman of Concord, was killed instantly when the automobile in which he was riding turned over on the High Point-Greensboro boulevard early this morning, the accident occurring on Arch Hill just beyond Jamestown.

The body of the negro was found by passersby shortly after 6 o’clock this morning, and was brought to the negro undertaking establishment of Walter Poteate, this city, to be prepared for burial. Efforts were being made this afternoon to communicate with relatives of the man who is unknown here.

Notified of the accident, High Point officers visited the scene this morning, and before noon the deputy sheriff’s office here by acting on information furnished by papers in the negro’s pockets, communicated with persons in Concord. In this way the name of the negro was learned.

E.C. Brown of Concord told Deputy Sheriff Robert B. Parker over long distance telephone today that he sent a negro to Greensboro early this morning to drive a Cole-8 automobile back to Concord, and he was of the opinion that this was the man. Brown was expected to arrive here this afternoon to identify the body.

Persons living near the scene of the accident are reported to have stated that they saw another negro get out of the automobile and go back towards Greensboro, but this report was not confirmed by the authorities. Two caps, one worn by the dead negro and another found beneath the automobile, caused officers to place some credence in the report.

Brown is said to have stated that the automobile had been in a repair shop in Greensboro, and that he sent Tillman there for the machine. There was no license tag on the machine when it was found in the morning.

The accident occurred when the car skidded on the wet pavement and turned over.


Girl Painfully Hurt When Car Turns Over

Miss Dorothy Oneal, daughter of W.S. Oneal, was painfully injured last night about 10 o’clock when she was pinned beneath a car driven by Cletus Myers of Thomasville, and in which she was riding, turned over at the curve of the Greensboro High Point Road on top of the hill at Jamestown.

The driver of the car and Claude Smith of High Point and Miss Elsi Cottiel of Richmond, who were also in the car, were not injured other than being bruised somewhat.

The car was being driven toward High Point at a rapid rate of speed, it is said, when t failed to make the abrupt curve and dashed over a hedge in front of a home located just at the curve and turned completely over, pinning Miss Oneal beneath it. It is considered that the occupants of the car were very lucky in not being more seriously hurt by the accident. Witnesses of the accident say that it was miraculous. The car was badly damaged.

Miss Oneal is able to be about today.

From the front page of The High Point Enterprise, Aug. 14, 1922

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