
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

New Assignments for County Farm Agents Announced, Aug. 30, 1922

Changes in Farm Agents in State

Raleigh, Aug. 30—Various changes among farm demonstration agents throughout the State are recorded in the recent issue of Extension News Letter, Raleigh, as follows:

New agents in farm demonstration work have been appointed in several counties and changes in personnel have been made as follows, according to reports from C.R. Hudson, State agent.

CC. Proffitt, former county agent in Buncombe, is district agent for the mountain counties, with headquarters at Asheville.

C.E. Miller, former agent in Mecklenburg, succeeds Mr. Proffitt as county agent in Buncombe.

N.B. Stevens, with several years’ experience as county agent, succeeds S. Kirby, county agent in Johnson county. He is located at Smithfield, the county seat. Mr. Kirby is now assistant state agent.

W.L. Smarr is transferred from Pender to McDowell county with headquarters at Marion.

M.C. James, with several years’ experience in county agent work in Georgia, takes Mr. Smarr’s place at Burgaw, Pender county.

C.E. Littlejohn becomes county agent in Halifax, with headquarters at Scotland Neck. He has had several successful years in county agent work in South Carolina.

J.H. Blackwell is county agent at Oxford, Grandville county. He has had six years’ experience as county agent in Georgia.

A.H. Harris of Pamlico county is started county agent work in Carteret with headquarters at Beaufort. Mr. Harris is a farm-raised young man with a four-year course at N.C. State college.

From The Charlotte News, Aug. 30, 1922

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