
Saturday, August 27, 2022

President Pease Names Charlotte Rotary Club Committee Members, Aug. 27, 1922

Rotary Committees Chosen for Year. . . President Pease Announces His Selection

President J. Narman Pease has announced the personnel of the standing committees of the Charlotte Rotary Club to serve until January 1st as follows:

Finance: Luther Snyder, Bill Hodges, Frank Matthews.

Club Correspondent: Ernest Dechant.

Song Committee: Ham Jones, Melvin O’Grady, Boots Andrews.

Public Affairs: Mel Murphy, Guy Myers, Bill Reynolds.

Publicity: Julian Miller, Jim Parham, Bill Arp Lowrance.

Program Rural Education: Paul Whitlock, Ham McKay, Rogers Davis, Perrin Quarles.

Entertainment: Bert Skelding, Buddy Horton, Myers Hunter, Henry Dockery, Stuart Gilchrist, Harry Franklin, Ed Heller.

Fellowship: Frank Moser, Ed Hook, Solon Hoggard, Sterling Graydon, Charles Nevitt.

Health and Happiness: Lawrence Miller, Brodie Nalle, Bill Williford, Louis Ratcliffe.

Parks and Playgrounds: Joe Garibaldi, David Probert, Frank Dowd.

Shop Talks: Dave Clark.

Boys’ Work: Cyril Smith, Fort McAfee, Sam Moore.

Attendance: Dennis Myers, Bill Pritchard, Wylie Obenshain.

From the Charlotte News, Sunday, Aug. 27, 1922

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