
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Rotarians See Need for TB Hospital for Rockingham County, Aug. 29, 1922

Rotarians Want a County Tuberculosis Hospital

The local Rotarians, at their last meeting, talked favorably of having a good delegation at the opening of Rockingham county’s cottage at the Jackson Training School for Boys, Concord, in October. It was stated that the officers in charge of this school desire that Rockingham county should be well represented on this occasion.

Some phase of Rockingham county’s activities is a subject of favorable comment at every meeting of the Rotary Club. It is either her system of good roads; the playgrounds, the Farm Life School now being constructed near Wentworth, the cottage at Jackson Training School, or some other progressive step worthy of mention that brings forth the assertion that Rockingham county is the best county in North Carolina.

It was at the last meeting of the club that a visitor was telling of the club that a visitor was telling of the county’s progress. The members present were delighted to hear their county’s praise sung by an outsider, but Durwood Mayberry expressed himself as not being satisfied with present conditions. He thinks that it is about time that we, as a county, began thinking of our unfortunate victims of T.B., and set about the work providing the county with a tubercular hospital. This suggestion brought cheers of approval from all members present. It was the unanimous opinion that the Reidsville Rotary Club should encourage any movement of this nature that may be started.

From the front page of The Reidsville Review, Aug. 29, 1922

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