
Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Rural News Items from Western North Carolina Times, Aug. 15, 1922

Rural News Items

Big Hungry News

J.B. McCraw spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Blackwell.

Mr. and Mrs. W.I. Case of Pisgah Forest are visiting their daughters at Dana.

James Hyder and L.L. Ward made a business trip to Flat Rock and Hendersonville Saturday of last week.

Miss Susana Hyder spent Sunday with Miss Ollie Blackwell.

Mrs. Stella Hyder and Miss Alma Stepp spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. J.F. Blackwell.

Adam Hyder of Big Hungry killed a big rattle snake last week.

--Black Eyes


Etowah News

The revival meeting conducted by Revs. Hutchison and Ratchford closed Saturday night. Mr. Ratchford returned to his home in South Carolina.

Miss Louise Talley and Miss Lucy Craig of Blantyre visited Miss Julia Morgan Saturday night.

Mrs. Jeff Maroni of Pisgah Forest is visiting her mother, Mrs. Lou Orr.

Percy Justus of Charlotte is now at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Justus.

Miss Bernice Bridges is visiting relatives in Sylvia this week.

Miss Minnie Corn of Hendersonville spent Saturday night with her mother, Mrs. Mary Moore.


Camp Minnehaha News

Miss Evelyn Haynes is again a part of Camp Minnehaha after her stay in one of the large northern camps, at Youngstown, Ohio.

Camp Fire girls from Charlotte arrived in camp on last Monday. The Charlotte group is like many other groups of girls, staying only one week at camp Contributions along the camp effort in nature came from the Blue Birds for the last issue of Camp Life: Misses Alice Groves, Clara Stevenson, Elizabeth Favor, Margaret House, Gertrude House, Harriet Roxby, Sylvia Berman, Virginia Naylor and Marie Tate. All these little folks have learned the three ways of distinguishing the moth and butterfly families, and many other interesting facts of nature.

Miss Mary Frost of Washington is now at camp for her month’s vacation.

Miss Dorothy Smith of Titusville, Fla., leaves camp after a pleasant stay of three weeks.

After a six weeks’ stay at camp, Miss Margaret Conklin of Lotus, Fla., left Tuesday for her home. Miss Conklin has spent three entire seasons at Camp Minnehaha, and campers regret to see her leave before the end of the season this time.

Miss Mary Guilmartin is following the example set by “The Carolina Playmakers” by making the native plays, folk songs, folk lore, games, etc., used by the girls in their much enjoyed “Dramatic Hour.” The girls in this interest have made visits to Mrs. Connor who is an expert in the art of weaving mountain rugs. Now the anticipation of weaving their own rugs on the camp’s own loom has grown. One mountain school was kind enough to allow the girls to visit them, at which time all present joined in some of the popular folk games.

An informal “Stunt Night” was given last Wednesday to honor the Charlestown guests, Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson, Mr. Maynard Robertson, and Miss Katherine Robertson.

Miss Saint Lo Andrews has returned to her home in Charleston after a pleasant stay in the senior rest camp for girls and older women.

Tiyaga, the popular Camp Fire wigwam, has been voted the most efficient tent in providing impromptu entertainment for “Stunt Night.”

A number of Blue Birds and Camp Fire girls spent the night in Hendersonville on Monday night to take part in the pageant, “The Hendersonville of Tomorrow.” The night of camp this time was an indoor camp in the Hendersonville high school building.

Among the events of the coming week the trips to Chimney Rock and little Pisgah. Bat Cave will also come to those who have not had this visit.


Mrs. Seaver New Manager at Indian Cave Park Hotel

Mrs. Seaver of St. Petersburg, Fla., now has charge of Indian Cave park. Mrs. A.A. Ames was the manager for the beginning of the season, but the property has been leased to Mrs. Seaver for the remainder of the season.

Mrs. Seaver is experienced in the hotel business and has managed Indian Cave Hotel successfully for the past two summers. Besides this she has had experience in St. Petersburg and other places that make her competent to successfully conduct such an enterprise. She is the owner of Mount Hebron, and it is understood that she may become interested in other property here.


Mr. Laughter Say Rumor Is Untrue

Replying to a news items that appeared in the Hendersonville News dated July 31st, in which it was stated that I was charged with complicity in stealing a Ford automobile from Eugene Williams and James Duff of Hendersonville, and being at large in Polk County, I wish to state that said news item was absolutely false in every particular, that I am at my home in Mill Springs, Polk County, and have been there all time. I am still at my home and can be seen at any time.

--Ernest Laughter, August 14, 1922

From The Western North Carolina Times, Aug. 15, 1922

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