
Thursday, August 25, 2022

Sgt. Satterfield Bailed Out After Shooting Private Kannon During Crap Game, Aug. 24, 1922

Goldsboro Guardsman Is Shot in Crap Game. . . Sergeant Satterfield Held for Shooting Private John Cannon

Goldsboro, Aug. 23—Sergeant R.P. Satterfield shot Private John Kannon through the abdomen at Camp Bragg last night during a crap game in the tent of Sergeant June Smith. Kannon is in hospital in Fayetteville in a serious condition, while Satterfield, who was ordered turned over to the civil authorities by Adjutant General J. Van B. Metts, is out under a $1,000 bond. His mother, Mrs. A.M. Pate, went the bail.

Battery A, of the 117th field artillery, of which these men are members, returned today from Camp Bragg.

Kannon would be dead today, it was said, if it had not been for Tom Griffin, wo jerked up Satterfield’s arm when he fired his .45, the shot going wild. Satterfield fired again, the shot passing through Kannon’s side and within six inches of Sergeant Smith’s head. Smith said he knew nothing about the shooting until today.

It is reported that the men were drinking, that Satterfield accused Kannon, who was winning, of stacking the dice, and the lie passed back and forth between them, Kannon rose and asked Satterfield to retract. Satterfield is said to have then pulled his gun, firing the two shots.

From the front page of The News & Observer, Raleigh, N.C., Aug. 24, 1922

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