
Friday, August 26, 2022

What Could You Buy for $1 at Gilmer's, Aug. 26, 1922

What could you buy for a dollar at Gilmer’s, “From Mills Direct to You”?

24 pound sack of flour

4 cans of slice pineapple

8 cans of Alaska pink salmon

12 cans of Old Dutch cleanser

7 rolls of toilet tissue

3 jars of jam

3-pound can of Lypton’s Yellow Label Coffee

10 packages of Lux

12 boxes of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes

8 Beachnut Ginger Ale

4 large jars of Beachnut Peanut Butter

5 2-pound cans of Libby’s corned Beef Hash

From The Asheville Citizen, Aug. 26, 1922

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