
Monday, August 8, 2022

With 12-Hour Work Days, Trains Are Kept Moving During Strike, Aug. 8, 1922

Master Mechanic Has Rib Broken. . . Mr. McBride and His Handful of Workers Are on the Job 12 Hours a Day

By W.A. Hicks

Spencer, Aug. 8—Master Mechanic B. McBride of the Southern shops at Spencer suffered a broken rib while at work Monday and is slightly incapacitated for active duty at present. He was accidentally struck in the side by a wrench which slipped and fractured a small rib which has been medical attention. Mr. McBride is working 12 hours a day just now in an effort to keep trains moving on time and says that the mystery of how trains are keeping the schedules will be solved if a few of the mystified will go to the shops and see how engines are gotten out. It has been a common expression among strikers that “I don’t see how in the world trains are kept moving.”

Mr. Robert H. Kluttz, a well known foreman for the Southern at Spencer, who lost a leg in an operation a few days ago as a result of an injury when a boy playing ball, has returned to his home here greatly improved. His condition, which has been considered serious for weeks, is now decidedly hopeful although Mr. Kluttz will be a cripple.

Engineer J.H. Harrison and family have gone to Black Mountain to spend a few days.

Area Social News

Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Withers and Mr. Elmer Withers of Columbia are guests to Mr. Withers’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Withers on Yadkin avenue.

Col. C.H. Morrison has returned form a stay of several days at Jackson Springs and is greatly improved in health.

Mrs. Daniel Lane, accompanied by a daughter, Mrs. Jennie Arnold of New Bern, are visiting Engineer and Mrs. Guy Lane and Mrs. H.W. Holt in Spencer.

Mrs. C.M. Cates has gone to Hillsboro for a visit to relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Wiseman have gone to Black Mountain to spend several days resting.

Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Slade of Midville, Ga., spent a few days this week in Spencer with Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Perkins while en route to Norfolk by motor.

Mrs. T.P. Jimison is spending a few days at Healing Springs near Taylorsville and will return the last of this week.

From the Salisbury Evening Post, Aug. 8, 1922

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