
Thursday, August 4, 2022

Work Begun on Courtland Place, New Housing Development in Reidsville, Aug. 4, 1922

Reidsville’s Growth Is Talk of the Day

“Reidsville’s steady, health growth is the talk of Piedmont North Carolina,” said G.M. Reed, secretary and manager of the American Insurance & Real Estate Company, to a Review man yesterday. Mr. Reed further said that “the growth of our town is a stern reality to us. We see it every day in the demand for home and home sites. In fact, the demand is so positive that we are arranging for the immediate development and sale of our new home section just off Main street, on Maple Avenue extension.”

A committee of prominent Reidsville citizens, acting for the American Insurance & Real Estate Co., has unanimously decided on “Courtland Place” as a symbol of home owning happiness.

“Courtland Place” has been planned by Robert B. Cridland, Landscape Architect of Philadelphia and Atlanta. A definite plan for the development has been adopted, and Mr. Cridland was employed to landscape the property so that this city might be insured of the development of a home section which will be a home section of the higher class for all time.

Water, sewerage, side-walks, electric lights and all up-to-date conveniences are to be installed, and in fact this work is under way. Every reasonable protection wil be offered the purchasers of home sites here looking toward the future. As Mr. Reed says, “We want the man who puts his money in ‘Courtland Place’ lots to know that as time goes on his home will be surrounded with homes that will be a credit to the development.”

Reidsville people will be quick to appreciate the faith that the American Insurance & Real Estate Company is showing in our city, and avail themselves of the opportunity to have areal home in “Courtland Place.”

From the front page of the Reidsville Review, Friday, Aug. 4, 1922

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