
Saturday, September 3, 2022

22 Men Unjustly Sentenced to Chain Gangs Released by Efforts of Mayor MacKeithan, Sept. 3, 1922

Frees 22 Cumberland Convicts. . . Men Unjustly Sentenced by Magistrates Freed Through Efforts of Mayor

Fayetteville, Sept. 2—Eight men found to have been sentenced to the Cumberland county chain gang for terms exceeding the authority of the committing magistrates were released on habeas corpus proceedings by Judge W.M. Bond in the Superior court here this afternoon, bringing the number of men and boys so liberated within the past three days to 22. Each of the men was charged with hoboing and vagrancy.

All the cases were brought to light by Mayor E.R. MacKeithan of this city, who is attempting to aid a youth from Charleston, discovered the existence of deplorable conditions at the county convict camp. Judge Bond stated from the bench this afternoon that he wished most heartily to commend the efforts made without renumeration by Mayor MacKeithan in behalf of these unfortunate men. His Honor, as on previous occasions, also paid his respects to the magistrates imposing the illegal sentences.

From the Raleigh News & Observer, Sept. 3, 1922

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