
Thursday, September 1, 2022

Baseball Games in Shelby, Sept. 1, 1922

Shelby’s Disbanded Team to Play Monroe Two Games

Shelby’s disbanded baseball club has been recruited for a few games in various parts of the state. Robinson has arranged for a double header in Charlotte with Monroe Saturday and another game Monday. The players who constitute the Shelby team are R. Morris, Robinson, Cline, Burns, Boggs, Basinger, Van Pelt, Person, Stacks, Long, Johnson and F. Morris.

From the front page of The Cleveland Star, Shelby, N.C., Friday, Sept. 1, 1922


Methodists Beat Baptists at Ball

The Men’s Bible Class of Central Methodist church beat the Men’s Bible Class of the First Baptist church on Wednesday afternoon at the baseball on the high school ground, the proceeds which amounted to something like $75 going to the athletic association of the Shelby high school. The game was very exciting, but the Methodists seem to have had the lead on the Baptists, making nine runs in one inning.

George Moore and Paul Webb constituted the battery for the Baptists for a part of the game, but they grew tired and were relieved by J.W. Howell and Claude McBrayer. Horace Grigg and Charlie Webb pitched for the Methodists while Carr Cline and Clarence Leonard received. Peyton McSwain and T.B. Mitchell, both Presbyterians umpired the game.

From the front page of The Cleveland Star, Shelby, N.C., Friday, Sept. 1, 1922

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