
Sunday, September 25, 2022

Blockaders Warn Airman Walters to 'Watch His Fly', Sept. 25, 1922

Blockaders Warn Airman Walters to “Watch His Fly”. . . Afraid He’ll Discover Their Places of Business—Equipped With Long-Range Rifles

Blockaders are opposed to aviators flying over their “places of business,” according to word received by Mr. J.E. Walters, local airman. These law violators are afraid that Mr. Walters will disclose to officers there whereabouts of their stills, it appears. Some tie ago Mr. Walters received an anonymous letter advising him not to “fly over our place.” The letter was unsigned, however, and Mr. Walters does not know where “our place” is.

Mr. Walters has learned recently that people living in one section of the county have made threats against him if he flies at a low altitude over that immediate section. Some went to far as to say that they had long-range rifles and would use them, according to word reaching Mr. Walters. While admitting that he has “spotted” numerous “plants,” Mr. Walters says he has never reported one to the officers.

From the front page of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., Sept. 25, 1922

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