
Saturday, September 3, 2022

Burglary Charge Against John Denning May Be Dismissed, Sept. 3, 1922

Alibi of Alleged Burglar Stronger. . . Released on Bond of $2,500 Mortgage on Home by Wife Who Sticks By Him

Goldsboro, Sept. 2—John Denning, who went up before Judge Allen on a charge of playing poker and escaped only to be landed in the city bastille that very evening on a charge of burglary after he was caught in the room of S.T. Peace and wife, of Henderson, last Monday night, is now out on a $2,500 bond. Judge Allen allowed the clerk of court to attempt a mortgage on the home, and his wife came faithfully down to the clerk’s office and signed the mortgage in the presence of the judge, the clerk, and half a dozen lawyers, so her husband could get out of jail.

And despite the fact of the seriousness of the charge against Denning, it looks as if the charge is going to shrink away to nothing according to court officials. Somehow they are inclined to accept his alibi since he went into the Henderson man and woman’s room and pulled $2 out of the man’s pocket but left $20 in it. He says that he had given a friend $2 with which to buy some liquor, that the friend didn’t come through, and that he went in search of this friend in expectation of getting his money back and got into the room of the Peaces by mistake. Mr. Peace, according to newspaper accounts from his home town, seems to believe that story and to be disinclined to prosecute him.

From the Raleigh News & Observer, Sept. 3, 1922

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