
Friday, September 23, 2022

Davidson College Students 'Working Their Way Through', Sept. 23, 1922

Davidson Boasts of Large Number Students Working Way Through

Charlotte, Sept. 21—Eighty-five students from North Carolina enrolled in Davidson College, near here, have the honor of being among the large number of students at the institution who are working their way through school, according to figures given out today by Dr. W.J. Martin, president of Davidson.

The complete figures show that 85 students from North Carolina, 16 from South Carolina, 14 from Georgia, 8 from Florida, 8 from Virginia, 8 from Tennessee, and several from none other states, are working their way through Davidson, and this number out of the 500 students enrolled is regarded about the highest per cent of students working their way through school that any American college can boast of. Besides these a large per cent of the remainder of the student body are partially self-supporting.

At Davidson it is deemed a distinction and an honor to be working one’s way through the institution, a large number of the campus leaders are of this group, and in Dr. Martin’s words the “man who can do this on the Davidson campus rivals the football hero in popularity.” Also it is of interest to note that many of the same names found on the list of working students are also found on the scholarship honor roll, the role of “letter men,” the roster of student officials, and on the list of the debating team and the “Davidsonian” staff.

From the front page of The Kinston Free Press, Saturday, Sept. 23, 1922

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