
Thursday, September 22, 2022

Harnett County Country Sing Sept. 30, 1922

The County Sing

Finally comes the gratifying information that the County Sing has been perfected to the extent that it will positively be pulled off, the date being definitely set for Saturday, September 30th. This will indeed be glad news to those who are so much interested in the Sing and who have had, at times, fears that there would arise insurmountable barriers. Schools have started up, the farmers are all busy with the harvest, and numerous other things seemed to build a wall that would keep the County Sing out.

But—a good thing is hard to keep out. Folks remember so well the glorious day last year when so many people came to Lillington and enjoyed the splendid singing, besides being able to meet their friends from all sections of the county. That was just too grand an event to pass by without repetition. The people want the Sing, they want it kept going, repeated every year, they have said so in unmistakable terms. And they are going to have it.

It seems a great pity that County Commissioners cannot see their way clear to foster the Sing as a county institution. Other counties are watching the experiment in Harnett very closely. They want to know how it will turn out, what good it will do, and whether it is welcomed by the people and what interest they take in it. Harnett’s Sing was commended upon throughout the State last year. This year several counties will send representatives here to take notes. Some have already expressed an intention of imitating this county. This newspaper a few days ago received a request from New York State for all copies of The News containing any Harnett Sing data. Can it not be clearly seen that this county has taken a long step in advance of others in community work?

The most positive effort should be put forth to make this year’s Sing a wonderful success. Our faith in the people lead us to believe that is just what it will be.

--Harnett County News

From the Harnett County News as reprinted on the front page of The Dunn Dispatch, Sept. 22, 1922

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