
Saturday, September 17, 2022

John Wyburg Has Died, Roy Dehart Seriously Injured in Car Accident, Sept. 17, 1922

Accident Fatal to John Wyburg. . . Roxboro Citizen, Who Was Hurt Friday Night, Succumbs to Injuries. . . Deharts Will Recover. . . Earl Dehart Left the Hospital Friday Night—Physicians Say That Roy Dehart Is Getting Along Nicely

John Wyburg, 38 years of age, of Roxboro, foreman for a construction company, who was injured Friday night when his automobile collided with a team and wagon a few miles east of Hillsboro on the Durham-Hillsboro road, died yesterday morning at 2:30 o’clock at Watts hospital.

Roy and Earl Dehart of Hillsboro, who were also occupants of the car and were injured in the accident, will recover, physicians said yesterday. In fact, Earl Dehart was able to leave the hospital late Friday night. Roy Dehart is at the hospital, but his condition last night was reported as being entirely satisfactory.

The remains of Mr. Wyburg were yesterday prepared for burial and afterwards shipped to his home in Roxboro. The funeral services, it is said, will take place today.

The accident in which the construction foreman suffered injuries which culminated in his death occurred when the automobile pulled to one side of the road in order to pass another car. In attempting to return to the road, the car plunged into the approaching team head-on. The tongue of the wagon is believed to have struck Mr. Wyburg a terrific blow in the face. He was rushed to the hospital, but physicians entertained but little hope for his recovery from the outset.

The injuries suffered by the Dehart brothers were caused principally by Glass from the shattered windshield. Roy Dehart was seriously injured.

From The Durham Morning Herald, Sept. 17, 1922.

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