
Sunday, September 25, 2022

Leave Town or Join the Chain Gang--Charlie Skipper Left Town, Sept. 25, 1922

Recorder’s Court

A young white man giving his name as Charlie Skipper, who said he had no home and no people, was before Assistant Recorder L.J. Britt Friday on the charge of being drunk and carrying a razor. He was found guilty of both and sentenced to 30 days on the roads, capias to issue Saturday at noon if found here. He was not found.

Leslie Bullard and Oscar Clark submitted to an affray and judgment was suspended in each case upon payment of cost.

Fans of Jack Duckery, both negroes, were found not guilty of ceny(??).

From the front page of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., Sept. 25, 1922

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