
Saturday, September 24, 2022

Mount Pleasant, Whitsett, Jamestown, Montecello and Deep River to Hold Community Fairs in October, 1922

Five Community Fairs During Next Month. .. People of the County Have Shown Keen Interest in Preparation for Fairs

Five community fairs will be held in the county this fall, according to E.B. Garrett, county farm demonstration agent. Programs and premium lists for the fairs have been issued, these lists reflecting keen interest by the people of the various communities and indications point to each fair being a success. The first fair will be held at Mount Pleasant, October 3, with others following at Whitsett on October 4; Jamestown, October 5; Monticello, October 6; and Deep River, October 7.

The program of all the fairs are similar. Assembly of citizens and formal opening with an educational address at 8:30 in the morning; judging in all departments at 10 o’clock in the morning; educational address at 1 o’clock in the afternoon and athletic contests starting at 2:30 o’clock in the afternoon.

The board of county commissioners and the people of the various communities have provided the money for the prizes, while money for prizes in the school department has been provided by the board of education.

Prizes will e awarded for the best showings in farm and field crops, horticultural products, poultry, livestock, canned fruits and vegetables, and for sewing by adults and younger folk.

The school department awards will be made for the best displays by elementary and high school students while in the health department Mrs. Dorothy Hayden, county health nurse, will weigh babies and pre-school children and give short talks on nutrition exhibits. A number of special prizes have been offered in the Jamestown district.

From The Greensboro Daily News, Sept. 24, 1922

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