
Monday, September 19, 2022

Mrs. Moses Lemly Seeking $25,00 in Damages, Sept. 19, 1922

A $25,000 Damage Suit Being Heard. . . Mrs. Moses Lemly Seeking Large Sum as Result of Injuries Received in a Runaway

One of the largest damage suits heard in Rowan superior court in a number of years is that taken up yesterday and which was still in progress at noon today and in which Mrs. Moses A. Lemly is seeking damages in the sum of $25,000, the defendants in the case being Messrs. Ralph Orr and John Morrison.

The suit resulted on account of injuries received by Mrs. Lemly when a horse hitched to a vehicle in which she was riding ran away at a point near the intersection of Fulton and Henderson streets in April, 1921, throwing her out and inflicting injuries from which she was in a critical condition for several weeks. It is alleged that the animal became frightened at a motorcycle driven by Mr. Orr and upon which Mr. Morrison was also riding and which turned out of Henderson into Fulton street near where Mrs. Lemly was driving her team.

The case is one of the hardest fought to come up in Rowan court in some time, three attorneys being employed on each side and a score or more of witnesses being called. The case will probably consume the greater part of today before reaching the jury.

From the front page of the Salisbury Evening Post, Tuesday, Sept. 19, 1922. $25,000 is worth $441,000 in today's dollars.

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