
Sunday, September 18, 2022

Neighbor's Child Saves Miss Lottie Sumner, Sept. 18, 1922

Local Resident Overcome by Gas Yesterday Morning

While cooking dinner yesterday morning at the home of her father, L.E. Sumner on Hammond street, Miss Lottie Sumner was overcome by escaping gas flames from a gas stove and very nearly asphyxiated.

When discovered by a neighbor’s child, she had dropped back in a chair, where she had been sitting by the stove reading, in an unconscious condition. Aid was hastily summoned, and physicians and members of the family worked for about an hour before she was completely restored to consciousness.

Reports this morning indicated that Miss Sumner was completely recovered and suffered no ill effects from her close escape.

From the front page of The Evening Telegram, Rocky Mount, N.C., Sept. 18, 1922

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