
Saturday, September 24, 2022

Poor Folk Escaping High Cost of Winter, Says Editor, Sept. 24, 1922

The Kinston correspondent quotes the consensus of comment of North Carolina coastwise salts that yachting to Florida has undergone a sea change, not to something rich, although more or less strange; from a diversion of millionaires and near-millionaires in deep-sea craft to a migration in slow, powdered cockleshells, often with crew of Pa, Jimmy and two or three women. From this time until late in autumn a regular procession of them passes out Beaufort inlet southward bound, and it is a common saying on the Bogue sound waterfronts that “these are poor folks escaping from the high cost of winter living in the north.” Many of them are, indeed, the Ford tourists of the waterways.

From the editorial page of The Greensboro Daily News, Sunday, Sept. 24, 1922

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