
Thursday, September 15, 2022

Prohibition Agent R.A. Kent to be Let Go, Sept. 14, 1922

Agent Kent Slated for Official Fall. . . Reported That His Resignation Has Been Asked for by Those Higher Up

Prohibition Agent R.A. Kent, appointed by Kohloss to succeed George Austin a little over a year ago, is slated for a fall, according to his friends here. Mr. Kent was notified several days ago, it is said, that his resignation was in order, and that he would be given an opportunity to send it in, and if the said resignation was not forthcoming, then is discharge would be in order. R.A. Kohloss, Federal prohibition director for North Carolina, was here several days, coming here, it is claimed, to see Mr. Kent. He also asked the Republican executive committee to recommend a successor. J. Caswell Sherrill was recommended, and not it is claimed that Mr. Kent says he is not going to resign; that he will wait and let them put him out. If any charges have been preferred against Mr. Kent, their nature has not been disclosed to the public.

From the front page of the Lenoir News-Topic, Thursday, Sept. 14, 1922

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