
Friday, September 9, 2022

Railroad Strike Nearing End, Predicts Editor, Sept. 9, 1922

The Strike Nears Its End

Monday’s meeting of the shopmen’s policy committee at Chicago is going to have an important bearing upon the railroad strike.

Conferences and secret meetings have been underway for the past week or more and B.M. Jewell and other strike leaders have been extremely busy. They undoubtedly will have some startling information to give out at Monday’s meeting—information which will offer a solution to the strike problem.

We believe that the strike is reaching its last stages and that it will not be long before the men are back at work again. The nation will watch the outcome of Monday’s session with the keenest of interest. Important matters hinge upon the conference.

From the editorial page of the Sun-Journal, New Bern, Saturday afternoon, September 9, 1922

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