
Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Rev. Frank Culbreth Declines Money From K.K.K., Sept. 20, 1922

Declines K.K.K. Money

The Laurinburg Exchange learns that at the close of the closing service of a revival meeting at the Methodist church, five white-robed Klansmen marched into the church and handed Rev. Frank Culbreth, pastor of the Caledonia charge, an envelope containing $30 in cash as an expression of their appreciation for the virile gospel he had preached during the meeting. The Kluxers are accustomed to giving surprises themselves and perhaps they were not prepared for the surprise Mr. Culbreth gave them. The preacher, according to the news story in The Exchange, without hesitation returned the offering to the Klansmen and frankly but kindly told them that he could not accept it, that he does not approve of the order and is not in sympathy with it and its work; whereupon, the Klansmen, remarking, “We’ll see you later,” marched out of the house with their rejected gift.

From the front page of The News & Observer, Raleigh, N.C., Wednesday, Sept. 20, 1922

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