
Saturday, September 3, 2022

Robert Lowry Receives First Elizabeth City Rotarian College Scholarship, Sept. 3, 1922

Rotarians Establish College Scholarship. . . Robert Lowry of Wake Forest First Elizabeth City Boy to Get Scholarship

Elizabeth City, Sept. 2—The Elizabeth City Rotary Club, which last week voted to create a perpetual educational fund to make loans to deserving young men in order to enable them to attend college at the Rotary luncheon on Friday of this week raised the first $400 of this fund.

Robert Lowry of this city, who completed his first year’s work at Wake Forest last year will be the first beneficiary of this fund. It is planned as the money is repaid by the fund’s beneficiaries, that it shall be loaned and loaned again so that Elizabeth City Rotarians ever hereafter shall have at all times at least one student at one of the colleges in this State.

From the Raleigh News & Observer, Sept. 3, 1922

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