
Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Search for Attacker Called Off; Believed Woman Hallucinated, Sept. 6, 1922

Attack Upon Warsaw Girl Is Regarded as Hallucination

Warsaw, N.C., Sept. 6—The search for a man, reported to have attacked a prominent young woman near here last night, was practically abandoned early today when a doctor, who examined the woman, expressed the belief that she had suffered an hallucination, it was stated at the police department here this morning.

The young woman was heard to scream a few minutes after she had gone to the back porch to get a drink of water. She told those who came to her rescue that she had been attacked, but could not give a description of the man. A posse with bloodhounds was quickly organized and the surrounding country was searched until early today. No arrest was made.

From the front page of the Sun Journal, New Bern, N.C., Sept. 6, 1922

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