
Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Strikers Back at Work at Spencer, Sept. 20, 1922

Southern Shopmen Back on the Job at Spencer

Spencer, Sept. 19—The shopmen’s strike on the Southern has ended.

The first shift of striking employes returned to duty in the shops at 6 o’clock this afternoon and the second shift at 11 o’clock tonight, while the regular shift is to return to their respective jobs Wednesday morning.

Stick to Agreement

Southern officials in Spencer tonight stated that the former employes who have been on strike since July 1st “will be taken back strictly according to the Chicago agreement.” The same officials explained that most of the strikers, perhaps as many as 90 per cent of them, will be given their jobs within the next 24 hours and that all will be re-employed by the end of 30 days, in accordance with the Chicago plan.

New Men Leaving

He further explained that some of the strike-breakers as many choose to remain in the service for the present, will be retained also, in accordance with the agreement. The number of strike-breakers to remain in Spencer Is not known tonight, as hundreds are packing up preparatory to leaving for their homes or places of employment on other roads.

The pickets which have been conspicuous around the shops for nearly three months were removed this afternoon and there have been no disturbances between strikers and strike-breakers in making the changes in the shops tonight. Both sides appear to be living up to the Jewell plan that there shall be no prejudice between men in service and men returning to their former jobs. All of the 60-odd foremen who have been on strike returned to duty this morning.

From the front page of The News & Observer, Raleigh, N.C., Wednesday, Sept. 20, 1922

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