
Sunday, September 11, 2022

Talton Heath and Ina Talley Wed, Sept. 11, 1922

Wedding Ceremony on Guilford Field

J. Talton Heath of Greensboro and Miss Ina Talley of Forsyth county were married Saturday afternoon at 6 o’clock under the shadow of the monument of General Greene on the Guilford battlefield, the ceremony being performed by Rev. G.T. Bond, chaplain of the Henry K. Burtner post of the American Legion. While the ceremony was taking place, an airplane circled above the battlefield, giving a war-time appearance to the marriage and adding much to its interest.

Mr. Heath served in the world war, being in France for some time, stationed near Brest. Miss Talley was formerly a student at the North Carolina College for Women.

From The Winston-Salem Journal, Sept. 11, 1922

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