
Tuesday, September 27, 2022

UNC Welcomes First Chinese Girl Student, Sept. 27, 1922

Chinese Girl at State University. . . First to Enter at Chapel Hill for Full College Year; Came From Shanghai

Chapel Hill, Sept. 26—The first Chinese girl to enter the University for a full college year arrived here today. She is Miss Tsz-Lien Yui, and she came to America from Shanghai only a few weeks ago. A North Carolina missionary, Miss Lelia Tuttle, who taught her in China, directed her here.

Miss Yui speaks perfect English—probably a great deal better brand of the language, if the truth be told, than most of the people who are born to it. She is going to be a special student in the School of Public Welfare this next year, but in1923 she expects to register as a junior and take a regular course leading to graduation.

“I was educated in the McTyeire School in Shanghai,” said Miss Yui today. “It is a missionary institution conducted by the Southern Methodists. Miss Tuttle told me about North Carolina. Before I came to Chapel Hill I went with her to her home in Lenoir. After landing in this country I had gone to Rochester, Minnesota, and Chicago, and at Lenoir, in the beautiful mountain county, I had a fine rest from my long trip.

A friend of Miss Yui’s, Miss Kyung Shein Sung, was in the University summer school, and they looked forward to being together here this year. But Miss Sung decided at the last minutes to go to Ohio Wesleyan so that Miss Yui is left as the sole representative in Chapel Hill of the women of China.

From the front page of the Raleigh News & Observer, Sept. 27, 1922

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