
Saturday, October 22, 2022

Alleged Kidnappers on Trial at Taylorsville, Oct. 22, 1922

Alleged Kidnappers on Trial at Taylorsville. . . Case Grew Out of Recent Assault on Young Woman. . . Jenkins Was Involved

Taylorsville, Oct. 21—F.A. Tucker of Winston-Salem, Dan Jones and Mac Jones of Alleghany county, wee here for trial today in connection with the alleged kidnapping of Mrs. C.E. Webb, alias Margaret Jones, near this place on the night of September 14.

The warrants against the Jones’ charge assault and battery, while that against Tucker charges conspiracy. The young woman is named as the one on whom the assault is alleged to have been committed.

Dan and Mac Jones were represented by J.H. Burke of Taylorsville and C.W. Higgins of Sparta; Tucker’s attorneys are Fred Hutchens and J.D. Clement of Winston-Salem.

Warrants against Estell Halsey, John Black and Ralph Richardson of Alleghany have been returned to Sheriff Carson unserved.

The case against George Halsey has not been prossed because of mistaken identity.

The case was set for 10 o’clock today but was continued until 12 o’clock due to the delayed arrival of Attorney A.A. Whitnert of Hickory, who represents the state.

B.E. Jenkins, Winston-Salem merchant, recently sentenced to two years on the county roads in Greensboro in connection with the case, was brought to Taylorsville in custody of a Guilford county officer.

From the Charlotte Observer, Oct. 22, 1922

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