
Saturday, October 29, 2022

Capt. Chiswell to Take Coast Guard Cutter Modoc to N.Y.C. for American Marine Week, Oct. 29, 1922

Cutter Modoc Chosen as Model Ship; Takes Part in Marine Week. . . Leaves Port Wednesday for New York for Inspection by Marine Architects

Orders have been received here for the coast guard cutter Modoc to proceed this week to New York city to participate in the observance of American Marine Week, which begins in the metropolis on November 7, continuing through the 11th.

On this occasion marine architects from all parts of the United States will gather in New York for their inspection of ships representing as many different styles of marine architecture as it is possible to gather for the occasion.

Capt. B.M. Chiswell, commanding officer of the Modoc, declared last night that he considered it a distinct honor to have his ship selected to represent the new type of vessels the government is building for the coast guard service, as it shows beyond all doubt that the Modoc is considered by Uncle Sam to be one of the finest cutters in service anywhere in the United States.

There is only one other cutter of the Modoc class stationed anywhere on the Atlantic coast and that craft is the Tampa, home port of which is Boston. There are two other similar cutters stationed on the Pacific Coast, however. All four vessels were built on the west coast.

The Modoc will sail from Wilmington Wednesday, reach New York late Thursday night, or at daylight Friday morning in time for the first day of American Marine Week.

On departing from New York, the Modoc will proceed to Newport News, Va., where she will go into drydock to undergo complete overhauling. It is not known by Captain Chiswell just when the cutter will return to her station here.

From the Wilmington Morning Star, Oct. 29, 1922

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