
Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Community Play at American Legion Oct. 26, 1922

Community Play Program Tonight

All roads lead to the American Legion hall tonight where a delightful evening of recreation and stunts will begin at 7:30 o’clock under the auspices of Community Service.

The large headquarters of the ex-service men will be packed tonight due to the interest aroused in the recreation work since last week, when the folks who attended predicted a capacity crowd for this evening. We read of the enthusiasm of the play and recreation idea in other North Carolina cities which proves the urgent need for such programs here and in every town and city.

By getting in some of the games presented at the periods of fun, we can get a better insight of the recreative needs for the children of Hickory. These recreation sessions bring to our minds the necessity of utilizing all our facilities for the enjoyment of all. Many surprises are listed for tonight and the large crowd that will be on hand will have much to talk about and will feel well repaid for coming out.

From the front page of the Hickory Daily Record, Oct. 26, 1922

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