
Tuesday, October 25, 2022

D.H. Hale, 28, Charged with Abandoning HIs Baby, Was In Fact Abandoned by His Wife, Oct. 26, 1922

Father Is Acquitted; Wife Left Him Here

Greensboro, Oct. 25—D.H. Hale, aged 28, young white man, was found not guilty on a charge of abandoning his baby here Sunday night. The young man, distracted in his search for the baby’s mother, wept, declaring that he would find her if it takes a year. He said that she had left him in Winston-Salem, “lured” away by another man. He does not blame his wife, but the man who lured her away.

He said that his home is Aberdeen, state of Washington, and that he had been traveling around with shows visiting various fairs. When his wife left him at Winston-Salem he tried to get some one there to take care of the child, but they would not. Then he went to the Methodist Protestant Children’s home near High Point. There he was referred to the North Carolina Children’s Receiving home here but he was told that he would have to see the public welfare superintendent of the county. Then he went to the Salvation Army and left the child, while he went out to get something to eat. He found that he could get a train for Winston-Salem in a short while, went there to look for his wife, was arrested by Winston-Salem police and brought back here.

The man had the sympathy of practically every person in the court room yesterday, including the city prosecutor.

From the front page of the Twin City Sentinel, Winston-Salem, N.C., Oct. 26, 1922

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