
Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Fat Possum Found Outside Hotel Huffry to be Served Up, Oct. 25, 1922

Big ‘Possum Ran Late

A big fat ‘possum, feeling frost in the air and realizing that the night was late, was attracted by the light around Hotel Huffry last midnight and camped in front of the kitchen door. That just suited Henry Tucker, manager, and he and the official hotel family will feast on the marsupial tomorrow night at dinner. Sweet tatters will be placed alongside the animal.

It was W.S. Simpson, steward of the hotel, who found the ‘possum. He was unable to snare the bird however, and called for help. It is now safely housed in the basement of the hotel. It was a big ‘possum running late.

From the front page of the Hickory Daily Record, Oct. 26, 1922

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