
Thursday, October 20, 2022

Gosnell Follows His Nose to Illegal Still, Oct. 20, 1922

Big Raid Made at Walnut Flats by Our Deputy Sheriff Tilman Gosnell

On Monday morning of this week Tillman Gosnell of Laurel, while passing by Bob Henderson’s house, smelt the perfumes of which is called white lightning. So Tillman went up in the woods just above his house in wait. So shortly after day light he seen Mr. Henderson coming and in the meantime Mr. Henderson seen the tracks of someone and stopped and was looking at them, he was then in a short distance of Tillman, and Tillman called to Mr. Henderson come on I have got you, and Mr. Henderson’s reply was alright. This was a very large still 55 gallon capacity was rigged up complete and about ?? gallons of (rest of sentence obscured).

From the front page of The News-Record, Marshall, Madison County, Oct. 20, 1920

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