
Sunday, October 2, 2022

Harvest Home Service at Reformed Church, Oct. 2, 1922

Harvest Home at Reformed Church

The Harvest Home services held at the Reformed church yesterday morning were largely attended. The church had been beautifully decorated with fruits, grains, and flowers by a committee consisting of Mesdames F.A. Abernethy, C.H. Geitner, W.W. Rowe and Miss Mattie Thomason. The sermon, hymns and special music were all appropriate to the occasion.

The pastor, Mr. Rowe, took as his text, “Got is Love.” He emphasized the fact that in the abundant harvest that we enjoy God has revealed his love to us as being an earnest, a modest and a liberal love.

God has gone to great preparation in order to provide the wonderful harvests. He also does his work in a quiet way much of which is invisible. He is also very liberal in that he always gives back to us much more than we sow or plant.

The service was very beautiful and received much favorable comment. In the evening the pastor emphasized the fact that life is just what we make it. He based his remarks upon the descendants of Ham, Shem, and Japheth. The male quartet sang at this service and also made an anthem by the choir.

From the front page of the Hickory Daily Record, Monday, Oct. 2, 1922

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