
Friday, October 7, 2022

Josie Blackwelder, 30, In Serious Condition After Taking Bichloride of Mercury, Oct. 7, 1922

Spencer Woman Takes Bichloride of Mercury

Spencer, Oct. 6—Mrs. Josie Blackwelder, aged 30, wife of E.W. Blackwelder, well known restaurant keeper here, was carried to a hospital tonight in a critical condition, as the result, it is said, of an overdose of bichloride of mercury. She was found in a semi-conscious condition in great suffering and was unable to explain whether the medicine was taken accidentally or otherwise. It is said a box, supposed to have contained poison, was found in her pocket when a physician was called to her aid. Her condition tonight is considered serious although the best medical service is being rendered.

From the front page of The Raleigh News & Observer, Oct. 7, 1922

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