
Sunday, October 2, 2022

Lenoir Ready to Play Guilford Saturday, Oct. 2, 1922

Lenoir Ready for Guilford Saturday

Being unable to secure a practice game Saturday, Coach LaMotte sent the scrubs against the first string men in order to get a line on the squad under fire. Playing 10 minute quarters at top speed, both line-ups showed to very good advantage, fighting hard, driving their plays on the offense, and smashing in with a will at the defense. The backs especially showed unexpected form and strength on the offense but weakness in defensive play, however this was anticipated, as the past week has been given over wholly to the development of offensive play with stress on defense to be the order the coming week.

Glaring defects in the forward play stood out from time to time in the early stages of the play, but after continued driving at, and consistently gaining over these weaknesses, they gradually began to discover their faults and stopped the leaks in the line.

The whole squad is on edge in anticipation of the first battle of the season when a royal entertainment is being planned for Guilford on next Saturday. However, the student body’s claim is “’Twill not be much to their liking” and in preparation to back their team to the limit and beyond, nightly pep meetings are being held for the perfection of the yells that are expected to drive their team to a well earned victory.

From the front page of the Hickory Daily Record, Monday, Oct. 2, 1922

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