
Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Passenger and Freight Train Service to be Restored Soon, Oct. 19, 1922

Trains Will Be Restored

Nos. 31 and 34 Will Be Back on Seaboard Schedule Nov. 1st or Soon Thereafter—Daily Freight Service Expected Soon

Everything possible is being done by the officials of the Seaboard to restore passenger trains No. 31 and 34 between Charlotte and Hamlet by November 1st, according to an interview of secretary Van Hervie with division freight and passenger agent Long. These two trains which passed here during the middle of the day were taken off during the strike, and they’re being placed back on schedule is now a matter of a few days. Division traffic agent Long followed up his personal assurance for immediate restoration of the midday passenger service and also daily local freight trains in both directions by the following excerpt from a letter reaching the chamber of commerce last Saturday.

“Referring to our conversation this morning relative to freight service and restoring trains 31 and 34, we are as I explained to you personally very much in hopes that our motive power will be in such condition that passenger trains 31 and 34 will be restored by November 1st.”

Apparently traffic holds up sufficient for the daily local assured to Wadesboro some days ago and as soon as motive power can be spared the Seaboard will provide this daily service at the earliest possible date. During the interview Agent Long emphatically stated that only a momentary shortage of cars and necessary repairs on locomotives have prevented the best service possible and that these obstacles to improved service will be removed in a few days, thus assuring to Wadesboro adequate freight and passenger trains. The new passenger scheduled published as of date November 12th will show the midday trains restored.

From the front page of The Messenger and Intelligencer, published every Thursday by the estate of J.G. Boylin, Wadesboro, N.C., Oct. 19, 1922

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