
Sunday, October 30, 2022

Patrons Upset Post Office Lobby Closed After Hours, Oct. 30, 1922

LaGrange Postoffice Closing Orders Gets Public There Aroused

LaGrange, Oct. 30—Patrons of the local postoffice are up in arms over the closing of the office lobby after postoffice hours, which regulation was put into effect two weeks ago by Postmaster Pully on instructions from the department. The regulation works a hardship on many box patrons who formerly could call after hours and obtain their mail. Postmaster Pully has received criticism from any who thought it was an arbitrary act of his or that it was on his recommendation. The fact is, the local postmaster refused to obey the instructions of an inspector till he communicated with the department.

The town is well lighted and has a police officer on duty all night. Mayor Smithwick has declared the order an act of “fool caution.” The postoffice will be moved into new quarters this week on Main Street, the present office being inadequate to care for the increased parcel post business, and it is hoped to have the lobby closing order rescinded.

From the front page of the Daily Free Press, Kinston, N.C., Monday, Oct. 30, 1922.

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