
Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Peachland, Mt. Vernon and McFarlan News, Oct. 19, 1922

Peachland News

Mrs. E.F. Harrington of Hopewell church section died Tuesday morning. She is survived by three sons, Messrs. Jack A., M.D. and H.F. Harrington, and four daughters, Mesdames M.G. Thomas and W.H. Honeycutt and Misses Pennie and Lillie Harrington, all of Anson County.

Miss Mary E. Barrett of Charlotte spent Sunday here. She was accompanied home by her mother, Mrs. H.R. Barrett, who spent last week with friends here.

Mr. R.D. Redfern and family have moved to Eagle Springs where Mr. Redfern will teach this year.

Mrs. A.J. Allen of Lilesville is visiting her daughters, Mrs. A.D. Griffin and Mrs. W.W. Barrett.

Mr. J.Z. Green of Marshville is a visitor in our town today.

Mr. R. Arnold of Statena, Ga., has been visiting Mr. Murphy Griffin.

Miss Bessie Bryant left last week for Eagle Springs, where she will teach.

Mr. Fred Howell is spending some time with his parents.

Mr. Griffith, who has been the pastor of the Methodist church here for the past four years, preached his last sermon Sunday night before going to conference, which meets in Monroe this week.

Mr. W.D. Dean of Asheville is visiting relatives here.

Mr. D.B. Howell has opened a meat market in the building in which Mr. R.D. Redfern has his insurance office.

There will be a Halloween party given in the school auditorium Friday evening Oct. 27. The public is cordially invited to attend.

Mr. E.C. Staton attended the football game played by Wake Forest and Davidson in Charlotte Saturday.

Mattie Reeves, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Broome, who has been in the Charlotte Sanatorium for several days having her throat treated and in the meantime having her tonsils removed, has been brought home and is doing nicely.

The Betterment Society gave a white Elephant sale at the school auditorium last Friday evening. The proceeds will go for a new stage curtain.


Mt. Vernon News

The farmers are about through gathering now and are feasting off of the rations at corn shucking.

Rev. Griffith preached his farewell sermon at Mr. Vernon Sunday afternoon. We regret very much to give up Mr. Griffith but hope to get another such minister.

Mr. Joe Porter of Henrietta died last week. Mr. Porter is a well known native of this county, and has many relatives and friends who mourn his loss. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Porter.

Mr. Albert Porter and sons, Messrs. Doss and Aaron, have been visiting Mr. Joe Porter during his illness.

Mr. Earl Martin has about recovered after a long spell of illness.

Mr. Tom Martin is preparing to put up a new dwelling.

There will be a prayer meeting at Mr. Jonah Thomas’ next Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Adsie Martin visited at Mr. J.F. Randal’s Sunday.

Mr. Will Tyson of Colorado, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Tyson of near Answonville, died a few days ago.

Mr. and Mrs. K. Edwards spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Martin.

An optimist is a person who will spend his last cent for a pocket-book.

--By Blue Bird


McFarlan Items

The United Farm Woman’s Club gave a reception in honor of the teachers of the McFarlan school in the school auditorium last Friday night. The guests were met at the door by Mrs. J.H. Miller and Mrs. W.N. Northcutt, who ushed them to (the) punch bowl, where they were served delicious fruit punch by Mesdames B.J. McGoogan and Lee Northcutt. They then wended their way up in the auditorium where they were met by Mesdames J.T. Phillips and A.B. Sings. Mr. W.B. Moore and Mrs. T.J. Sings took them to the receiving line, composed of the teachers, and the President of the club.

The auditorium was beautifully decorated with autumn flowers, ferns, witches and black cats, which were suggesting of the approaching Halloween. The guests were each given a song book and every one was asked to sing, Mrs. M.E. Blalock accompanying on the piano. It was very much regretted that Dr. McLendon could not be present, as he was first on the program for a talk, however Mr. J.W. Cameron, our popular county demonstrator, made a splendid talk for the occasion. Prof. W.W. McComb responded to this, congratulating the Woman’s Club in giving the teachers a hearty welcome into this community. Following this Mr. Van Hervie entertained the folks by telling jokes. Miss Eleanor Horton of Wadesboro and Miss Rosa Pegues gave some delightful readings. Delicious cake and ice cream were served.

Hugh Johnson, who has been in Webster, Fla., for several months, has returned home to resume his work in school.

Rev. S. Taylor preached his last sermon for this conference year last Sunday P.M. We certainly hope he will be returned to this work, as he is a great and good man and we are reluctant to give him up.

Most of our farmers are through picking cotton and have turned it over to the cooperative marketing association.

Miss Bennie Brooks, who has been quite sick, is able to be out again.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks and children of Florence, S.C., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Brooks.

Miss Christine Teal spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Teal.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zuboff spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Braswell.

Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Teal spent Sunday in town with relatives.

From the front page of The Messenger and Intelligencer, published every Thursday by the estate of J.G. Boylin, Wadesboro, N.C., Oct. 19, 1922

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