
Friday, October 21, 2022

Rent Out a Room to Fair Visitors, Oct. 20, 1922

Have You Spare Room for Fair Visitors?

All persons in the city who have rooms to let during Fair week are requested to communicate at once, either in person or by telephone 93, with R.M. Horsburg, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce.

There are always numbers of Fair visitors who find difficulty in getting lodging, and the Chamber of Commerce stands ready to do everything possible to assist the renters to find lodgings and the visitors to find places at which to lodge.

Persons looking for lodgings likewise should communicate with Mr. Horsburgh.

From the front page of the Fayetteville Observer, Oct. 20, 1922. The name was spelled Horsburg on first reference and Horsburgh on second reference. I don’t know which is correct.

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