
Monday, October 24, 2022

Rt. 2, Deep Run, Will Get Mail Six Times A Week Starting Nov. 1, 1922

Daily Mail Service in Vicinity of Deep Run Beginning Nov. 1

Daily mail service will be established on R.F.D. No. 2 out of Deep Run effective November 1. This information was conveyed to The Free Press in the following telegram from Congressman Claude Kitchin:

“Washington, Oct. 23—Am glad to advise that Postoffice Department has just notified me that it has issued order effective November 1st increasing mail service on route No. 2 from Deep Run to six timews weekly.”

At the instance of patrons of the route, who have heretofore had service only three times a week, The Free Press took the matter up with Congressman Kitchin and Senator Simmons a month or more ago As a result of the investigation made by the Postoffice Department, upon their request, the service has been authorized. The route covers 26 miles and about 4,000 pieces of mail are handled a month.

The Free Press was not only interested in behalf of the good people of the route, but because it has a number of readers who have been getting their papers only every other day, and is especially glad that the daily service will be inaugurated. More than 50 per cent of all the daily papers taken on the route are Free Press.

From the front page of The Daily Free Press, Kinston, N.C., Oct. 24, 1922

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