
Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Sam Mitchell Visits His Old Master, Seriously Ill at Walnut Cove Home, Oct. 25, 1922

J.G.H. Mitchell Ill at Walnut Cove

Winston-Salem, Oct. 21—Sam Mitchell, a well known colored citizen of this city, went to Walnut Cove today to see his old master, Gideon Mitchell, who is seriously ill at his home there. The latter is 87 years old and has been in feeble health for several years. “Mr. Gid, who raised me, was the youngest of 13 children,” said Sam this morning.

Mr. Mitchell owns valuable farm lands in Stokes and for many years has been one of her leading citizens. He is a Democrat of the old school. He had passed the three-score and ten mark when he married, his wife dying a few years ago, leaving four children.

From the front page of The Danbury Reporter, Oct. 25, 1922. Three score and ten means 60 years old.

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