
Thursday, October 6, 2022

Thieves Kill Sheep for Mutton, Oct. 6, 1922

I Am Sorry For

Mr. Ellerson and the Laurel River Live Stock Company in the 16 Township as they sent two men to watch their sheep, to keep parties from killing them for mutton as there had been several killed. They sent Mr. R.P. Crain and Mr. I.H. Bowens last Saturday night to watch and two fellows got after the sheep, and they heard the bells ringing and got where they could see and they seen one man after the sheep and one raise up before the sheep and turned them ack and the man behind the sheep FIRED down and killed th finest sheep in the herd, and Mr. I.H. Bowens fainted and Mr. Crain had to work with him and they just skinned the sheep out and left it. Bowens come too and run after the sheriff Fender and they returned but the thief had gone with his mutton.

From the front page of The News-Record, Marshall, N.C., “The only newspaper published in Madison County,” Friday, Oct. 6, 1922

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