
Saturday, November 26, 2022

Burch Elected Councellor of Junior Order, Nov. 26, 1922

Junior Order Council Elects New Officers

Officers for the ensuing year have been elected by George Washington council, Junior Order United American Mechanics, as follows:

J.B. Jones, junior past councillor; S.S. Burch, councillor; C.H. Bush, vice councillor; H.W. Hewlett, recording secretary; W.H. Hancammon, assistant recording secretary; Thomas Hill, treasurer; L.D. Brown, chaplain; E.R. Croom, conductor; B.F. Penny, warden; D.E. Barton, inside sentinel; A.L. Brown, outside sentinel; trustees, F.A. Lord, R.H. Everett, J.A. McNorton; Junior Order corporation, J.A. McNorton, F.A. Lord, H.W. Hewlett.

H.W. Helwett was awarded the degree of past councillor, he having served as recording secretary for four years.

Edward Registers, who leaves this week to make his home in Richmond, was presented with a token of appreciation for his long service with the council.

From page 2 of The Wilmington Morning Star, Sunday, Nov. 26, 1922

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