
Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Caroleen News, Nov. 30, 1922

Caroleen News

Caroleen, Nov. 29—Mr. J.C. Postelle preached a very interesting sermon at the Methodist church Sunday night. He took his text from St. Luke, 1 chapter. Everyone seemed to enjoy the sermon and are always anxious for him to preach.

We are planning to have a nice time Thanksgiving. A Thanksgiving dinner will be given at the parsonage and everyone is invited to come and bring a basket of good eats.

The teacher of the Baraca and Philathea classes of the Methodist church gave a social Friday evening, Nov. 24, for their scholars and other invited guests. A very interesting program was rendered after which refreshments were served. About 75 people were present and everybody enjoyed it very much.

Mr. C.R. Whitaker and Mr. Lewis Francis met with an accident near Coopertown Sunday night, Nov. 26. No one was badly hurt.

Mrs. P.C. Stalnaker of this place is visiting her relatives in Georgia.

Mrs. Sadie Pace, daughter and son, Lois and Julian, accompanied by Mr. Loise Ward of Saluda, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Robertson Friday afternoon.

Many of the Caroleen people attended the Rally Day at Oak Grove Sunday, Nov. 26. Everybody enjoyed the speaking and good dinner. All report a good time.

Miss Ida Humphries is back at home and reports that her patient Mrs. Lee Holland is getting along nicely.

A number of our Caroleen people attended the Womanless Wedding at Cliffside Saturday night.

Miss Eula Ferree of Boiling Springs High School spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferree.

Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Cudd and family of Newton, N.C., spent Sunday with Mrs. Cudd’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.B. Lynch.

Mr. Ray Hall and family of Forest City spent the week-end with parents and friends of Caroleen.

The Intermediate and Junior B.Y.P.U. are getting up money to send to the children of the extreme mountains. The children are almost in a famine.

Miss Reba Philips had for her guests at a 6 o’clock dinner Saturday evening, Misses Edith Lonnon, Wilma Stalnaker and Jennie Pearl Beachboard. The dinner was served in four courses, after which progressive rook was played.

Mr. H.L. Crocker and family of Henrietta moved here last week. We are very glad to have them back.

Misses Zona Horde and Ruth Blanton were week-end guests of Mrs. W.V. Smith.

The Girls’ Auxiliary of the Baptist church is going to give a very interesting program Thursday evening at prayer meeting. They are looking forward for a large crowd. Misses Ruth Piercy and Estelle Francis will be in charge of the program.

Many people of Caroleen enjoyed the movies at the public hall Saturday night. It was “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court.” Do not miss any pictures in the future. They will all be of the highest class.

The Woman’s Missionary Society was very glad to have with them Sunday afternoon Mrs. Goodwin, Secretary of the Woman’s Home Mission for the Morganton District. She made an interesting talk on missions and showed the necessity of work in foreign fields. At the close of her talk she showed a number of things relating to her work. Among them were: A Catholic Rosary, Chinese money, the tiny shoe of a Chinese bride, and a Chinese idol. All went away from the meeting feeling benefited from the visit of this good woman.

Mr. and Mrs. Michaels of Marion spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Hamrick.

Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Francis and children spent Sunday at Mt. Vernon with Mr. T.L. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Mauney spent Thursday at Shelby shopping.

Miss Grace Robertson left Friday for Saluda to spend a few days with friends.

Miss Susan Sloan of Henrietta spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Margaret Sloan.

From the front page of The Forest City Courier, Nov. 30, 1922.

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