
Monday, November 28, 2022

Charlottesville Mayor Welcoming Chapel Hill Students to Game, Nov. 28, 1922

Special Train for Students Thanksgiving. . . President Chase of University Thanks Mayor of Charlottesville for Invitation

Chapel Hill, N.C., Nov. 28—President Chase of the University has written a letter to Mayor Morris of Charlottesville thanking him for his cordial letter of welcome to Carolina students coming to the Thanksgiving Day game between Carolina and Virginia.

“We would be glad indeed,” wrote Charlottesville’s chief executive, “for your student body to march down Main street to Jackson Monument near the Court House, as I feel it would add a great deal to the enthusiasm for the football game, and besides give our citizens an opportunity to see your student body. If there is anything we can do for your football team while here, please do not hesitate to call on us.”

After thanking the Mayor for his letter, President Chase wrote: “I do not know yet how large a proportion of our student body will attend the game on the thirtieth, but I certainly hope that a great number of them may be able to accept the hospitality of your city, so kindly offered.”

A special train for Carolina students will leave Durham Wednesday night and arrive in Charlottesville early Thursday morning. The talk here is that from 400 to 500 will make the trip.

From the sports page of the New Bern Sun Journal, Nov. 28, 1922

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