
Sunday, November 20, 2022

Crystal Ice & Coal Storage Plant Expanding, Nov. 21, 1922

Building Commercial Cold Storage Plant. . . Crystal Ice & Coal Company Will Add $25,000 Improvement to Its Ice Plant

Work has begun on a coal storage addition to the plant of the Crystal Ice & Coal Company of this city, which will mean a great deal for the refrigerating facilities of Elizabeth City. The new coal storage plant is to have 22,000 feet of space and it will occupy the area between the ice plant and the present quarters of the Globe Fish Company. The area is about 40 feet wide and is 180 feet deep. The construction will be under the supervision of Ophuls & Hill, refrigerating engineers of New York City.

The facilities of the new plant will be available for the commercial interests of Elizabeth City, and will be used for storing fruits, vegetables, eggs and other produce, and will have a division for fish.

The plant will have both railroad and steamboat terminals. One end of the building fronts the Pasquotank River, and on the other end a railroad siding is ready to bring cars right to the door.

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Nov. 21, 1922

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